Her Story
S.J. Brown has always been in love with the written and spoken word. She had her first poem printed in her city’s now defunct newspaper, The Courier Express. She has performed her original poems as spoken word performances, as well as written short stories for years before deciding to try her hand at a published work.
Growing up in an era when schools were officially becoming desegregated in her city, she has learned the hard way to not “get in the way” and to watch and learn people.
As a 26 year professional of the corporate world, S.J. Brown has taken everything she’s learned from working with other people and placed them into a book that will humorously enlighten readers on how to conduct themselves when in a diverse workplace.
She has been an avid observer and an informed student of life’s lessons that come with working with people from all over the world. As a people person and lover of life, she uses every scenario, good or bad, and turns them into ways to laugh at herself and other people. Today, she is a Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner who loves writing and her family. She is not one who takes herself or other people too seriously, because life is too short!

S.J. Brown's Debut Book...
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Gun violence has robbed two great men and dads from the rest of the world. My brother Aaron was shot on November 27, 2009 and succumbed to his injuries on August 2, 2017. Askia was killed on November 26, 2019 during the commission of a robbery at is his place of employment. May there be mercy on the lives of your murderers. You both would’ve wanted there to be forgiveness. I have to get there as I am only human and forgiveness is not my best quality.
Grandma Alease Rogers
Grandma, I love you. I will always miss you and thank you for saving me from myself. I gave you your flowers while you were here. I will miss you infinitely.
As an African American woman, I knew that typical urban circumstances would affect me; HIV/AIDS, drugs, violence, namely gun violence, and some social disparities. Well as it happens they all have had an impact on my life, my way of thinking, and how I move in this world.
Dear Brother Aaron Adams
Aaron Adams my dear youngest brother, my heart, my pal, “that dude”, I miss you with every fiber of my being. There are days I want to talk to you about some of the nonsense that goes on in my world and I want to hear your responses and laughter. But I can’t; I can only imagine what your voice would sound like and what advice you would give. I love you and those six little people you are watching over. You would’ve been so proud of not only them but your nieces too. They love and miss you as well. Rest easy.
Friend & Writing Partner Askia Alkebulan
Askia, this book is for you. The first person to read it and equate it to everyday life. My writing partner, conscious, voice of reason, and most importantly one of the best friends a girl could have. I have no words for the feelings of loss that I have. You took the place of Aaron. I cried on your shoulder, I ran my writing ideas past you, and you called me lazy! You said, “If I could write like you, I would do it full time.” I had no confidence in anything that I was attempting but you encouraged me and challenged me every conversation we had and for that I love you!
We were supposed to finish our relationship guide together and now I don’t have your voice. But I’ll press on and make sure what I do have is released so that people will see what a great person you were and how funny you made life.